I was buzzing around the Barnes and Noble a few months ago with my friend, Eva, just looking around, seeing what's new, looking at clearance books and Nook covers, books about crafts and cooking. My friend Eva and I can spend hours in the bookstore. It is like going to church for us. We won't even step foot inside if we know we don't have at least two hours to commit to the B&N.
We had found some fun journals and a cookbook or two when we walked past the Writing section, on our way to the ladies room. I love writing and I said to her "Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a book to help you get started on a subject? That's the worst part for me...figuring out what to start writing about". As the words were still falling out of my mouth, I felt an elbow nudge me. A hand held out a book of things to write about By the San Francisco Writers' Grotto.
I was gobsmacked! For a mere $16.95 plus tax I could get my feet wet writing again. I had given it up and was using a writer's block excuse to avoid writing. My friend Eva raised an eyebrow and said simply "No more excuses."
She was right of course. She often is.
I purchased the book and have proceeded, lo these many months, to open it, look at some of the things to write about, then closed it again. Writing nothing. Thinking nothing more about it until the next time I see it, open it, look at some of the things to write about, then close it again. It really is a vicious cycle.
So today, having about 4 hours on my hands before meeting some friends for dinner, I opened it, looked at the very first thing to write about and wrote. It was wonderful.
I am a Jack of All Trades, Master of None kind of person. I can do a lot of things but I never really felt I was masterful at anything except writing. Writing is how I share my creativity. I have a friend who has so much creativity in her, it is astounding. Hand her just about anything and she can do something creative with it. She is the McGuyver of crafts. I told her I would love to be able to do all the crafty things she can do but I could only write a story about it.
I think I will write to the publisher of the book to see if I can add some of them (or even all of them) to my blog. Maybe they will be OK with it if they are getting full credit for the book-and the fact that I have only two followers so it should prevent the book from selling. Maybe I can even get a following for my writings and their sales will soar!! We shall see...
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