Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A long, long day

Worked 11 hours, drove home, fixed dinner, collapsed in the chair and it's already time for bed.  Barely home only 2 hours.  Sad.

Work today was stressful. As stressful as watching a two year old ride a tricycle around a swimming pool.  You know you should do something about it but it would be too late to stop it.  The slow, downward spiral.

I am convinced tomorrow will be infinitely better.  How can I be so sure, you ask?  Easy.  I simply won't stand for anything else.  Tomorrow MUST be great.  Tomorrow will be the epitome of the Annie song...Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya,'re only a day away!   Then the words change a bit...The weekend, the weekend, I love ya, the weekend....I can't think of a rhyme right now, but you get the idea.

This weekend needs to be filled with preparing the house for me to be down a week-10 days.  That means, laundry, cooking and food prep for the week, laundry, bathing the dog, laundry...I have a lot of laundry.  I have been practicing my avoidance behavior and now there are just no more excuses!  The laundry MUST and will be done.


It is almost 8:30 pm and I am past ready for bed.  I am looking around wondering when I got so old 8:30 pm is considered a proper bedtime again.  My 4 year old grandson goes to bed at 8:30.  My mother goes to bed at 8:30.  

A shiver just ran up my back at the realization that I have actually, in many ways, become my mother.  Including behaving like a 72 year old woman with a bad heart and bad lungs (although I have had much worse lungs than she has for my whole life).

Oy!  My lumbago!


Monday, September 1, 2014

The plans that went awry

My son and his girlfriend have been visiting since Saturday evening.  He was to visit his father on Sunday and have dinner with us Sunday night.  I invited the nice young Navy man from across the street to have said Sunday night dinner with us because I know he is single and I thought having the kids here, it wouldn't be so awkward for know, eating dinner with two old people you barely know but who invited you to dinner to be nice.

My son found out his dad had actually decided to take the kids to dinner Sunday night and go listen to some music.  Our small community had a Jazz festival in town over the Labor Day weekend.  My son, being a gracious, kind human being couldn't tell his dad no.  I mean, kind of my son't fault for not getting the specific plan with his dad.  So, the kids would not be here for dinner after all.  

I didn't feel comfortable cancelling on the neighbor so...Ribeye steak, potato salad, green beans cooked in a foil pack on the grill...mmmmm.  Dinner turned out pretty good!  That poor neighbor...also a gracious, kind human being...stayed over two hours.  What a sweet guy.  I am not sure I could have done it at that age.  Ok, I could have, but I have always been old.  This kid, a saint for putting himself through it.

I tried to let him know, subtly of course, that he did not need to feel obligated to stay but he just sat on the sofa after dinner and visited for awhile.  He asked about landscaping (he just recently bought the house across the street and it was sorely neglected for two years prior to his purchase of it), changing out windows and his continuing upgrades to the house's interior.  We know a little about his past, his family and his Navy career.  

He thanked us profusely for dinner and the leftovers I sent him home with.  My husband walked him to the end of the driveway, talking more about potential landscaping ideas, and came back in the house.

He said "That poor kid.  He had to have been bored but it was nice of him to stay and visit."  to which I responded "I can see him avoiding eye contact with us in the future."

All in all, a nice visit.  


Saturday, August 30, 2014


I found out a few days ago my son and his girlfriend will be coming to visit this long weekend.  But not for the whole long weekend.  Arriving Saturday evening and leaving Monday or Tuesday.  I am pretty excited.  I don't see my children as much as I like since they all grew up and got their own lives.  

That is the thing that no one tells you is going to happen when you have children.  Oh, as an ex-child myself, I KNOW it happens but no one tells you how to prepare for that kind of heartbreak.  I was/am pretty close to my children and when I don't speak to them any more than once a month or even once a week, it makes me sad.  I miss them.  

My husband doesn't always understand exactly how I feel and why I get all spun up and try to over prepare for them to arrive.  Why I insist on spoiling them every time they visit.  He, as a man, can never understand Mother Love.  He remained pretty close to his parents, speaking to them or seeing them daily or weekly.  He worries about how sad I get knowing they will be leaving soon after they come visit and the cycle will start again...where I hear from them little and see them even less.  We all have jobs, they have kids and significant others.  I don't want to deprive them of their lives but I still want to be important.

So they come see me.  And it is as though we have never been apart.  We are close.  We talk.  We hug.  We play games.  They make me important.  And that is the feeling that keeps me going.  Knowing I will get many chances to be spoiled by my children and grandchildren.  

Every day I know they love me as much as I love them.  But the spike of joy and comfort of their visits makes the few sad-because-I-miss-them days disappear.  Perhaps the is how the sadness becomes bearable.  Because the tank is refilled before it reaches the absolute bottom.

Children...the agony and the ecstasy.  Every day is a gift.  Treasure it.  


Friday, August 29, 2014

Four day weekend!

So, after what seemed like a week much longer than 4-10 hour days, I have today off...and the next three days as well.  Thank you Labor Day!!

I am waiting around this house today for the DirecTV guy to come.  I am having some reception problems since upgrading to HD and my DVR is giving me some trouble...sometimes it doesn't want to leave a page it is on, which I find frustrating.  I know it's just TV but I LOVE TV.  I can go without it but I don't have to so I watch quite a bit.  I feel I shouldn't have to pay for something that doesn't work correctly so they come out more than I have ever seen for anyone else.  

I am listening to a favorite movie, Austenland, as I write.  It is funny, weird, touching and romantic.  

The DirecTV guy can come anytime from 12-4 pm today.  geographically I expect he will be here closer to 4.  Since I live near the bridge to leave the island, I am usually first if a morning appointment or last if I am an afternoon appointment.  I have just over two hours.  Maybe I will take a nap.

I have been thinking a lot today about changing my kitchen and my bathroom.  I think they need a facelift...the bathroom needs a new floor, a new sink and maybe a fun tile back-splash.  My kitchen needs new counters, new back-splash and I want to paint the cabinets.  Mind you I have not discussed this with my husband,  so wanting new kitchen appliances is probably a total pipe dream.  

I will start to dream...I mean design what I want and then price it out.  If I can save the money, I am sure I can get what I want.  Crossing my fingers!!


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today's topic? Anxiety!

If training a new employee wasn't enough to put someone in a state of anxiety, I found out today that I have to be off-site the next two days when I had a schedule to complete for training.  To top it off, it was a scorcher today, up in the mid 80's, which is blistering for around here.  

The only thing to do was get pizza for dinner.  Sure, I had to turn on the oven for half an hour but I didn't really have to cook and clean up is a breeze!

I am preparing for directing my third show at our local community theatre.  I love the theatre.  The creativity.  The interesting people.  The long days and nights.  The praying your show is a hit.  I live for it.  

The prep I am doing is answering several Dramatic Structure and Main Questions about the play.  I admit I am struggling a bit.  I am not usually stymied by anything requiring I write about it so this has been very challenging.  But excellent.  An I am learning a great deal.  A very nice man and his wife are helping me via email.  They have been a part of our small theatre before but he is in the military and is out on the boat.  

Spending any kind of time helping me with this has been a dream.  I am not sure I could possibly do anything to repay them for their kindness in helping me.  

This show will be excellent.  I cannot wait to complete my assignments and really get to the meat of it.  Creating the schedule.  Casting the show.  

Ah...the wonder of theatre.  

Stay tuned....Later

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!

So today was a bust.  By that I mean I accomplished nothing.  I slept off and on until 1:30 pm, which is so outside my normal behavior I am not even sure how to feel about it.

Finally I tidied up in the kitchen and did a couple of loads of laundry.  But for the most part, I was just plain old lazy.  And I was ok with it.  Until my husband called and essentially reminded me that he is at work all day today and I could have done something with my his mom...go visit the vacuum.

So my husband has just pulled into the driveway and has been accosted by our neighbor.  I could call out to him and save him from the peril that is the unending conversation with a man who can talk about nothing all day long, but I am feeling a bit snarky about the phone call earlier.  Call me petty, but somehow I felt I deserve to let him stand out there and figure out for himself how to get in the house.

I went out with some friends last night, met a few girls for dinner.  I am the elder statesman of the group and feel very much like there mom.  One is 27, one is 28, and one is 40 but looks younger than the others.  It was fun and enjoyable.  I love those ladies very much.  It feels like the best kind of family when we all get together.  

Payroll to do now...Later

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Writing is fun

I was buzzing around the Barnes and Noble a few months ago with my friend, Eva, just looking around, seeing what's new, looking at clearance books and Nook covers, books about crafts and cooking.  My friend Eva and I can spend hours in the bookstore.  It is like going to church for us.  We won't even step foot inside if we know we don't have at least two hours to commit to the B&N.  
We had found some fun journals and a cookbook or two when we walked past the Writing section, on our way to the ladies room.  I love writing and I said to her "Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a book to help you get started on a subject?  That's the worst part for me...figuring out what to start writing about".  As the words were still falling out of my mouth, I felt an elbow nudge me.  A hand held out a book of things to write about By the San Francisco Writers' Grotto.  

I was gobsmacked!  For a mere $16.95 plus tax I could get my feet wet writing again.  I had given it up and was using a writer's block excuse to avoid writing.  My friend Eva raised an eyebrow and said simply "No more excuses."

She was right of course.  She often is.  

I purchased the book and have proceeded, lo these many months, to open it, look at some of the things to write about, then closed it again.  Writing nothing.  Thinking nothing more about it until the next time I see it, open it, look at some of the things to write about, then close it again.  It really is a vicious cycle.  

So today, having about 4 hours on my hands before meeting some friends for dinner, I opened it, looked at the very first thing to write about and wrote.  It was wonderful.  

I am a Jack of All Trades, Master of None kind of person.  I can do a lot of things but I never really felt I was masterful at anything except writing.  Writing is how I share my creativity.  I have a friend who has so much creativity in her, it is astounding.  Hand her just about anything and she can do something creative with it.  She is the McGuyver of crafts.  I told her I would love to be able to do all the crafty things she can do but I could only write a story about it.

I think I will write to the publisher of the book to see if I can add some of them (or even all of them) to my blog.  Maybe they will be OK with it if they are getting full credit for the book-and the fact that I have only two followers so it should prevent the book from selling.  Maybe I can even get a following for my writings and their sales will soar!!  We shall see...
