Sunday, October 18, 2015


Today, my oldest grandson turns 8 years old!  He had his party at his mom's house this year and is having a Halloween party at his dad's house.  Since I am going to be on vacation for Halloween, I will miss his birthday entirely this year...which is a first!  It's pretty tough to miss it but I know grandparents who never get to see their grandkids so I try not to be too btter.

Today I have been learning about home security and video surveillance systems.  It's pretty interesting but a little over my head.  The major companies who can do the work for you provide no real, usable information on their website but rather ask you to fill out a form for them to contact you want them to have your contact information if you don't select them.  Seems sketchy but I understand this is the norm.

The systems you can do yourself "with little to no hassle" don't really sound like there will be little to no hassle.  I mean, you have to do the work yourself and if it doesn't work, figure out how to fix it...or call support who can "talk you through it", which, working in the IT field and providing customer support makes me sure this won't be easy for most home users, to get the thing to do what it's supposed to do.  This is for my Mother in Law...the most difficult part of all will be convincing her she needs it.  We just convinced her to lock her doors!

We attempted to watch our shows this morning, as per usual on Sunday, but one of us kept falling asleep.  We got through two of them which leaves four more...I am hoping he is up for it now that the Seahawks game is over (they lost in the last couple of minutes)...I think I will go check.  I really want to see The Blacklist!


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